NOKIA N70 And N72 White Display Problem Solved Diagram SolutionNokia
Nokia N72 blank display problem occur due to many reasons. Some time phone lcd damage because lcd of this model is damage due to bad strip. So first check lcd or change display with new one. Then check lcd connector on motherboard or clean all points with electronics cleaner. Here are some diagrams for solve this issue check all these diagrams to solve this problem.
If problem not solved with this diagram here are full display IC jumpers, first change these both ic's then make jumpers.
Nokia N72 white display problem solution.
Nokia N73 Blank display ic jumpers repearing diagrams.
If problem not solved with this diagram here are full display IC jumpers, first change these both ic's then make jumpers.
Nokia N72 white display problem solution.
Nokia N73 Blank display ic jumpers repearing diagrams.